कभी ओंस की नमी है अहसास ,
तो कभी तारों भरी रात है अहसास,
फूलों का बिछोना कभी,
तो कभी काँटों का हार है अहसास।

कभी प्यार भरा स्पर्श है अहसास,
तो कभी कड़वाहट भरी झड़प है अहसास,
प्रेमी का प्रेम कभी,
तो कभी माँ की डांट है अहसास।

कभी सपनों का संसार,
तो कभी हक़ीकत की चुभन है अहसास,
कभी आशा की किरण,
तो कभी निराशा भरी साँझ है अहसास।

पल पल का इम्तिहाँ ही है, आगे बढ़ने का अहसास,
जिंदगी खुद है हर क्षण एक नया अहसास,
और भूल जाना किसी के लिए खुद को,
कराता है सचमुच जीने का अहसास,
जिन्दा होने का अहसास।

Expectations cause frustation

The health of a fruit depends on the nourishment we give to roots. Frustration in a similar manner is the fruit of our thoughts and its roots lies in the expectations we set for ourselves. When all goes fine or even better than we have expected, we feel satiated; but if something goes wrong, it causes irritation and mental blow.

Same event can be pleasing or painful for two people with different level of expectations. Profit of 5 Lacs will be pleasant for one who has been expecting profit of 2 lacs but same will trouble to other person who has been expecting profit of 10 lacs from same event. Figures are same but these two people will look upon it in different way.

We can plan things and accordingly can estimate the outcome but things seldom go in the planned manner. There are always few factors which are beyond control. When one denies accepting the presence of these factors, one invites problems. To avoid losing our own mental peace in such instances, best that we can do is to accept the outcomes of uncontrollable factors and to concentrate on garnering from other factors.

By raising the our efforts and lowering the expectations also one can avoid frustration. In Shrimad Bhagwad Gita, Shri Krishana asks Arjuna to focus on imparting his duty with devotion but to not desire the results. Dale Carnegie, in his famous book “How to stop worrying “, reiterates the same principle.

Expectations from things in which we invest energy, are obvious; but keeping the positive attitude towards life even in worst scenario is the key to happiness.

World Cup a Golden story in records of Victory.

Winning the cup is no less than winning the world. Indians transformed the moonless night into the Diwali night on this victory in the same way, as they did on return of God RAM, the king of Ayodhaya.

Everywhere people were shouting, cheering up, embracing each other and were weeping with excitement, that too in the mid of night. From north to south, east to west whole India was united by thread of love for cricket and excitement of winning.

India won the most coveted tournament in the cricketing world again after 28 years of it's previous victory in 1983. Winning this cup was really important for team India to prove its competence and balanced approach as one of the finest team in the world as well as best Test and One-day team. In this match India played in very mature and calculated manner. This is the main reason behind the fact that, despite of confronting with world's finest teams like Australia & Pakistan in quarter-final and semi-final, India could make it to finals . Rest is the world known story.

The match was full of thrill and excitement. Till last sixer of Dhoni , which brought Victory, every ball was critical. Expressions on faces on viewers were changing . They were fearing, they were cheering, they were praying for the victory. In beginning, Victory seemed farthermost dream- double tossing followed by Shri Lanka's choosing for first batting and early wicket loss by India, made fans disappointed . But as the match proceeded, It brought back the hopes amidst thrilling target of 66 runs in 11 overs against strong fielding team. Shri Lanka was trying hard to widen the gap of cup from India in every possible manner but India testified its enormous patience and strategy skills. And on second ball of last over Dhoni's six brought India much coveted World-cup and much deserved pride.